2019 World Tourist Guide Day events no:4

Within the framework of the World Tourist Guides Day activities, Harran Excavation Director Prof. Dr In the presentation to be held with Mehmet Önal on the Roman Mosaics of the Euphrates Basin; We will learn about the development of mosaic art around the Euphrates from the terrazzo floor to the opus verticillated technique together with its historical processes. All tourism professionals and consumers are invited to our presentation on Edessa and Zeugma mosaics and their stylistic features, as well as on the contemporary revival of ancient mosaic art.


For the registration



prof. Dr. Mehmet ÖNAL


He was born in 1965 in Osmaniye. He completed his undergraduate studies at Atatürk University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Archeology Department, and his Master’s and Doctorate degrees at Selçuk University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Archeology Department, while working as an archaeologist at Gaziantep Museum Directorate. From the beginning to the end, he worked as a field supervisor in the rescue excavations in Zeugma for 12 years. When they came to light, he experienced the excitement and joy of all Zeugma’s mosaics and other artefacts. He found the Roman Agora Archives of the cities of Zeugma and Doliche. He took part in the excavation of Haleplibahçe mosaics in Şanlıurfa. In addition, he had the privilege of unearthing the Zeugma, Edessa and Harran baths. He is currently working as the Head of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Department of Archeology at Harran University. In addition, he is a regional Professional Tourist guide.


In the excavations carried out under the chairmanship of the Council of Ministers in Harran since 2014, the Bazaar Bath, East Bazaar, Spice Bazaar, Perfumery Shop, Courtyard with Fountain, Anatolia’s first Early Islamic Period Public Toilets in the Ulu Mosque Complex, Balat in İçkale/Saray. It continues the excavations that unearthed the Turkish bath and barbarian structures.


He has National and International articles and books on mosaics and seal impressions. Some of his books:


-Urfa-Edessa Mosaics

“Die Siegelabdrücke von Zeugma” Asia Minor Studien 85


-Mosaics of Zeugma


-Zeugma Houses of Poseidon and Euphrates


-Zeugma Clay Seal Stamps


-Zeugma Tetradrachm Treasure


-Aleplibahçe Mosaics, together with H.Karabulut and N.Dervişoğlu.

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