History Culture Tourism Guides Association Calls for Awareness

Honoured Authority,

The society of History, Culture and Tourism Guides was established by licensed tourist guides approved by the ministry of tourism of the Turkish Republic on January 19, 2018, by the law of the guiding profession as anticipated with No.6326.

In principle, our society has three aims; the first is to sublimate the prestige of our profession. The second aim is to amplify our service and care standards in connecting with the guide. Last but not least, our third aim is to create a reference institution for the tourism society in Turkey.

To this end, because of the articles of the laws and vocational charters itemized below, we would like to depict the rightful reasons and raise awareness for the embassy officers issuing visas to the tourist guides to be mindful of the unlicensed persons who unlawfully operate in our profession;

According to the Professional Law for tourist guides, code 6326, article 2-1, It is explicitly expressed that the job description for the tour guides is not only to provide

information but more so to conduct the tours fully compliant with the agreements underwritten between the travel agencies and the consumers.

Also depicted by the Tursab’s charter 1618-10, the travel agencies were obliged to provide at least one tour guide for tours of up to 45 people regardless of the nature of the trip, domestic or abroad.

Moreover, in their relevant clauses, package tour agreement regulations also adjudicate the guidance information to be presented in all travel agency contracts. Nevertheless, it has been known that some travel agencies have arranged contract papers by hiring illegal guides and applying for them the grant of travel guide visas, completely undermining the aforementioned binding laws.

The society of the History, Culture and Tourism Guides Board is humbly requesting a fair and lawful screening process concerning the true nature of the documents and the legality of the tourist guides presented by the travel agencies for their tourist guide visa applications to be strictly compliant with the binding laws and regulations of our profession that are listed above.

Yours faithfully

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