Hasan Barış Partal Kavala, Chairman of the History, Culture and Tourism Guides Association, and Meltem Karamete, Chairman of the Registry Board, came from Istanbul and attended the talk on “Tourist Guiding” held on Wednesday, May 2019, hosted by Balıkesir University Faculty of Tourism. First, the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Prof. Dr TKTC administrators, who were accepted in the office of Cevdet Avcıkurt, then visited Department Head Özlem Köroğlu.


Dean Prof. Dr Cevdet Avcıkurt and Hasret Ulusoy Yıldırım with TKTC executives.

During the meetings, information was given about the aims and objectives of the TKTC and the work of the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations.


Arş., who did not spare his interest both before and after the interview. See. Hasret Ulusoy Yıldırım hosted the managers of the association with warm hearts. The conversation about the profession, particularly about the TKTC, lasted about an hour and a half with the participation of about eighty people. After the talk, the head of the Department presented a commemorative plaque to the association’s managers.

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